Tran Tien Dung

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Trần Tiến Dũng (1958) is a poet and essayist.
Tran Tien Dung.jpg

He was born in Gò Công and lives in Saigon. A regular contributor to Tiền Vệ, his books of poems include Khối Động [Moving Mass] (TP Ho Chi Minh: 1997), Hiện [Appear] (TP Ho Chi Minh City: 2000), Bầu Trời Lông Gà Lông Vịt [Chicken Feather Duck Feather Sky], eBook (Chester Hill, Australia: 2003) and Hai Đoá Hoa Trên Trán Cho Công Dân Hạng Hai [Two Flowers On The Forehead Of A Second Class Citizen], a samizdat (TP Ho Chi Minh: 2006). Some of his poems have been translated into English by Linh Dinh and published in Manoa, and in Contemporary Voices from the Eastern World: An Anthology of Poems (Norton 2007).

Linh Dinh started this entry.

Trần Tiến Dũng online