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Further Reading

Tran Dieu Hang’s own works

In English

Tran, Dieu Hang. “Farewell to Douala.” Trans. Qui-Phiet Tran. Michigan Quarterly Review Volume 63, number 4 (Fall 2004), pages 665-678.

“Zenith.” Trans. Qui-Phiet Tran. Asian America: Journal of Culture & the Arts 1 (Winter 1992), pages 59-71.

In Vietnamese

Tran, Dieu Hang. Niem im lang cua May. California: An Tiem, 2001.

Chom Chom yeu dau. Toronto: Lang Van, 1989.

Mua dat la. Ontario: Viet Publications, 1986.

Vu dieu cua loai cong. Westminster, Calif.: Ngoc Lu, 1984.

Works about Tran Dieu Hang

Christopher, Renny. “Fiction: Vietnamese Exile Writers.” Viet Nam Generation Journal Online Volume 3, number 4 (1992). 24 Feb. 2005. http://lists.village.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Texts/Reviews/

Tran, Qui-Phiet. “From Isolation to Integration: Vietnamese Americans in Tran Dieu Hang’s Fiction.” Asian American Writers. Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1999. Pages 125-36. Reprinted. in Reading the Literatures of Asian-America. Eds. Shirley Geok-Lim and Amy Ling. Philadelphia: Temple University Tress, 1992. Pages 271-84.

“Exile and Home in Vietnamese American Feminine Writing.” Amerasia Journal Volume 19, number 3 (Spring 1994), pages 71-83.

“Vietnamese Artists and Writers in America: 1975 to the Present.” Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas 20 (1989), pages 101-10.

In Vietnamese

Tran, Dieu Hang. Interview with Van Nghe Ngan Phuong. Nha Van Tran Dieu Hang. 24 Feb. 2005 <http://www.saigonline.com/vnnp/interview/trandieuhang.htm>.

Other Vietnamese sources still being gathered.